Today is Follow An Archive day on Twitter. Twitter users around the world are tweeting about their favourite archives, and archives around the world are tweeting about themselves, using the hashtag #followanarchive.
I’ve learned about a lot of archives I didn’t know about, and a lot that I did know about but didn’t know they used Twitter. Here are a couple of examples:
@BaselineLPMA NSW Land and Property Management Authority Heritage Information
website at, which pulls together the information of most interest to historians and genealogists.
@naagovau National Archives of Australia
website at The National Archives started only their Twitter account today and had 100 followers by the end of the day!
@followanarchive Follow An Archive
website at which lists all the archives taking part.
I’ve been following this on and off all day, and it has been so much fun learning about new archives (new to me, anyway) and seeing what they are all up to. It’s after 11pm here in Sydney now, so no more Twittering for me. The Americans are just waking up so it will keep getting better!
Have a look:!/search?q=%23followanarchive
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