Jacques Turcantin1

M, #946, b. 24 April 1653
FatherNicolas Turcantin2
MotherJacquette Rivallan2
Relationship7th great-grandfather of Timothy George Sheens
ChartsAncestors of Timothy George Sheens (DNA trail)
Ancestors of Timothy George Sheens (paper trail)
Last Edited15 May 2011
Baptism*24 April 1653 Saint Michel, Guerande, Loire-Atlantique, France;
Jacques Le Turcantin
Baptised 24th April 1653, Saint Michel, Guerande
Son of Nicolas Le Turcantin and Jacquette Rivallan2 
Birth of Daughter17 March 1690 Saint Aubin, Guerande, Loire-Atlantique, France;
Olive Turcantin
Born 17th March 1690, Guerande
Baptised the same day
Daughter of Jacques Le Turcantin and Jullienne Hougard of Trescalan
Godfather Pierre Aguer
Godmother Olive Abelin;Principal=Olive Turcantin3 


Julliene Hougard


  1. [S306] Loire Antantique Digital Archives, online http://www.loire-atlantique.fr/jcms/cg_31241/…,Saint Aubin Guerande Marriage Yves Eon & Ollive Turcantin 1718.
  2. [S306] Loire Antantique Digital Archives, online http://www.loire-atlantique.fr/jcms/cg_31241/…,Saint Michel Guerande Baptism Jacques Le Turcantin 1653.
  3. [S306] Loire Antantique Digital Archives, online http://www.loire-atlantique.fr/jcms/cg_31241/…,Saint Aubin Guerande Baptism Olive Turcantin 1690.